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The History of Games and Competitive Sports in Africa Part 1
In this episode, we will explore the origins of professional sports in ancient Egypt, also known as Kemet, dating back to 400 BC. Evidence of various sports, such as boxing, tug of war, and running, have been discovered through drawings on tombs and hieroglyphics. It is believed that sports were also used for ceremonial and ritual purposes. During the coronation of a new Pharaoh, he had to prove his fitness and health by running a marathon around the city. This tradition continued annually on his birthday from 3400 BC to 1500 BC, on the graves of those who performed sports. Additionally, we will delve into jumping and wrestling sports, including gusimbuka urukiramende by BanyaRwanda, Kalenjine people Chekosirwet, Masai jump and wrestling, Eg Njom wrestling Nso People, Laamb wrestling by the Wolof in Senegal, Onjumbo Angola, Nuba from Nubia, and the Nubian tribes in Sudan.