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The Importance of Archetypes
Are archetypes in stories a crutch or a hindrance for the storyteller or even the players? Are they defined by the mechanics or exploited by them? This week Rob & Sara get into the depths of this discussion and try to find how important classes and Archetypes are in storytelling. Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at http://www.mixlr.com/storyteller-conclave. Listen to us on your favorite device!<br /> Or Amazon Audible Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)<br /> Support the show by joining our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/StorytellerConclave Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord : https://t.co/7H8p1lGYqG Or find our older episodes at Https://Storytellerconclave.com