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The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The Film Board Gathers! The gang is here to take on a movie currently in theaters and this month we have a movie with no beginning and no ending… but does it have any stakes, as the Internet wonders? Or is there actually some meat on those bones… We’re setting sail on the Last Voyage of the Demeter.
Tommy Metz III, Justin Jaeger, and Pete Wright set sail this week to discuss the long journey the Demeter has taken to see the big screen. We’re fans of André Øvredal and so many in the cast, so we’re a bit rocked to say that the film might not live up to the sum of it’s fantastic parts.
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Watch the Film
Theatrical Trailer
Poster Artwork
Original Material
(00:00) - Members: Pre-Show
(04:39) - The Film Board Gathers • The Last Voyage of the Demeter
(07:18) - Initial Thoughts
(13:32) - The Story So Far...
(14:42) - Less than the Sum of its Parts
(20:44) - Ship Stuffs
(25:00) - Dracula
(38:54) - Death of child, death of dog
(43:28) - A little bit of development history
(49:28) - What comes next?
(51:43) - Housekeeping!
(53:26) - Letterboxd
(57:36) - Members: Post Show
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