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The NEW KING of Jack Daniel's
There's a new king in Lynchburg Tennessee! Old No. 7 might be the most well known label of the Jack Daniel's lineup, but it is not the king. We love the Jack Daniel's single barrels, but...they aren't the king. There is a new product at Jack Daniel's that takes the crown, at least according their Head Distiller. And we couldn't agree more.
🟧 PATREON :: Exclusive content, barrel picks, hangouts, and more - https://bit.ly/3IrsIX6
🟦 BOURBON REAL TALK COMMUNITY - private facebook group - https://bit.ly/3XQAvlT
⬜️ JT MELECK - https://bourbonoutfitter.com/collecti...
🟩 The Prideful Goat - https://www.pridefulgoat.com
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