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The Path of Integrating Contradiction
Throughout my life I've felt like a walking contradiction. I've shut down very deep authentic parts of my soul's essence to experience contrast and contradiction in a very real way. It's been painful at times but this tension, of course , is what creates alchemy- and has shaped who I'm becoming.I almost did not release this episode because it centers heavily on "my story" such as the things I've done and the experiences I've had. If you listened to Episode 1 you will understand that I don't hold strong attachments to these things, but rather I consider them as part of the threads that weave in the tapestry of who I be. This episode is for you if you ever felt like you need to reconcile huge discrepancies within the realm of "who you are" and "what you do" or if you simply would like to learn more about what has led me to this moment. You can connect with me on IG @rooted.lightSchedule a 1:1 reading/session with me here