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The Power of Gratitude
The word gratitude derives from the Latin word “Gratia” meaning grace or graciousness. I think the beautiful thing about it is, when we feel gratitude, it kind of encompasses all of these things, that feeling of graciousness, gratefulness, and ultimately grace, all in one.Today on The Karen Kenney Show, I’m talking about the power of gratitude and how the act of being thankful brings so much power with it, that we sometimes miss in our hurried ways of extending it. It’s wicked easy to take Gratitude for granted. The “idea” of it gets thrown around so much in our culture - to the point that it almost becomes something we just say “or do” without any real thinking or feeling behind it.Today I’d like to encourage us all to slow down, pause for a moment and really allow ourselves to tune into the gratitude we are thinking, speaking and feeling and let it wash over us with its sacred loving-connection.Let's get into the habit of when we do feel grateful - to pause, take a deep breath in, exhale it out twice as long… and really see or imagine in our mind what or who it is we’re grateful for. Then move that feeling down from the head to the heart.Say goodbye to just “checking the box” of gratitude practice and instead experience it at the soul level extending the grace, gratefulness and graciousness to the humans, animals and Nature all around us.KK's Takeaways:Slow Down & Tune In (10:06)Daily Spiritual Practice Or DSP (13:11)Take A Moment Of Silence (21:42)Operation Love Letters (26:18)Gratitude Journal (32:41)<br/>
Karen Kenney is known for her dynamic storytelling, sense of humor, and her no BS approach to Spirituality. She’s a sought-after speaker, podcast guest, spiritual teacher, and workshop presenter. An entrepreneur for 20+years, Karen brings a down-to-earth and practical approach to spiritual concepts that can be powerfully applied in both people’s personal and professional lives. She’s a Certified Spiritual Mentor, Certified Hypnotist, writer, speaker, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show podcast, as well as the founder of the community: THE NEST.Karen guides those she works with to create their own unique experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”. In her 1:1 program THE QUEST, she brings together brain science, subconscious reprogramming, healing hypnosis, and spiritual mentorship to help her clients remove limiting blocks, rewrite old stories, rewire in new beliefs, and reimagine their lives!KK supports her clients, communities, and audiences to deepen their connection to themselves and the Divine in tangible, relatable, and actionable ways. She leads by example and shows that you can do deep, transformative, and healing work while still laughing and having fun!A student of A Course in Miracles for nearly three decades, a certified yoga teacher for 22+ years, and a longtime practitioner of Passage Meditation, Karen’s also a Certified Gateless Writing Instructor, and a transformational retreat leader.