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The Power of Intention
Welcome to Wholistic Wednesdays, a podcast where we explore all things holistic. We're your hosts, Amy Barriga and Shelly Berkowitz, two integrated healing arts practitioners who are passionate about helping people live healthier, happier lives. Every Wednesday, we'll dive into a new holistic topic, from mindfulness and meditation to nutrition and fitness. We'll share our own experiences, interview experts, and offer practical tips that you can use to improve your own health and well-being. Whether you're a seasoned holistic practitioner or you're just starting your journey, we hope you'll join us for Wholistic Wednesdays. We're here to help you on your path to a healthier, happier, more holistic life.
This week, we'll be discussing one of my favorite topics- the incredible power of intention. In this episode, we'll explore the science behind intention, and share some tips on how to set and manifest your intentions. So whether you're looking to manifest a new job, a new relationship, or simply a more positive outlook on life, tune in to this episode to learn how to use the power of intention to create the life you desire.
Love our content?
Follow us:
Merchandise https://www.theoasisholistichealing.c...
Shelly Berkowitz, IHAP https://app.elify.com/vbc/g8bwozroaa?..
Amy Barriga, IHAP www.TheOasisHolisticHealing.com
You can reach us by email at wholisticwednesdays@gmail.com
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com..../pod/show/wholistic_