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The Quickie: How To Be A Better Conversationalist And Work Any Room
Just in time for the holiday season, we’re here to help you get back to being the social butterfly, conversational queen that you are. Because between the endless Zoom calls and virtual happy hours, a lot of us have lost the art of real conversation. So as we return to the office and real holiday parties, it’s about time we all brushed up on our social skills and learned how to carry a convo IRL. Solid talking and listening skills are an essential piece of thriving in your love life and work life, so this week we’re saying BYEEE to social anxiety so we can work any room with confidence.Join us as we chat about:How a little pre-event prep can ease your nervesFinding common ground with someone you don’t knowBrushing up on current events/pop cultureAvoiding small talk by staying curious and using open-ended questionsThe power of being vulnerable and sharing 50/50 in a conversationHow to approach heavy topics in a respectful wayThe power of a good compliment and positive vibesBody language tips for being more approachableThe 50/70 rule of eye contactWe hope these tips will help you work any room you’re in and add a little charisma to your conversations. For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:@teachmehowtoadultpodcast @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow us on TikTok: @teachmehowtoadult