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The Reesor Siding Incident and a Few More Reasons to Call in Sick.
The Reesor Siding Strike of 1963 & More": Dive into the riveting history of the Reesor Siding Strike of 1963 in our latest episode. We explore the complexities of this critical labor conflict in Canada, including power struggles, human consequences, and labor rights struggles. Unearth the truth about this tragic incident that forever changed the lives of workers in Northern Ontario. As a continuation of our focus on labor history, we also delve into haunting stories of workplace accidents that highlight the importance of worker safety and regulations. Discover the stories of others who experienced life-altering workplace incidents. Join us for a gripping exploration of workers' rights, safety, and solidarity in this episode, perfect for history buffs, labor rights enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about the stories that shape us.Join the conversation! If you can afford to donate, we are looking to cover the monthly expenses, and start doing video uploads. Thank you everyone!Donate: https://paypal.me/fundeadpeople?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_USNew Website!: https://www.makingfunofdeadpeople.com/Email: makingfunofdeadpeople@gmail.comTwitter: @fundeadpeople