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The Registration - Episode 5
Welcome to the audiobook of Madison Lawson’s riveting thriller The Registration. In episode 5, our heroes come up with a strategy for surviving the rest of the Registration, but are forced out of hiding when they learn of Eric’s revised plans. — Giveaway https://sweepwidget.com/c/71391-rt7sf1x5 Hey there, lovers of story! Do you find this book unputdownable? Are you itching to hear how it ends? Would you like to have a copy you can keep forever? This week, CamCat Unwrapped is hosting a giveaway. One lucky winner will receive the full audiobook of The Registration for free! All you have to do to enter is subscribe to our podcast, YouTube channel, or newsletter and answer a quick survey (all of which are linked above). Each new subscription is one entry. That’s it! It’s that easy! Soon, you could have your favorite CamCat audiobook in your ears and at your fingertips. So make sure you enter for your chance to win this Book to Live in. — Madison Lawson’s The Registration is available in audiobook, ebook, and print formats at CamCatBooks.com Follow us on social media @CamCatBooks You can find Madison Lawson on social media @madisonlawson or on her website madisonlawson.wordpress.com Tune in to hear all our audiobooks as we release them right here on CamCat Unwrapped as serialized podcasts. The first two episodes of every book can always be found here, but subsequent episodes will be available for free listening only for a short time after their release. After that, they’ll be gone – but don’t worry, the audiobooks are available for purchase on Audible and other major retailers. Subscribe and stay tuned for more of our books to live in! Because CamCat Unwrapped is where booklovers meet.