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The Wolrdview of Our Age: A Conversation with Voddie Bacham (Illinois Family Spotlight #357)
In this episode, Voddie Baucham discusses the importance of acknowledging that the devil is indeed prowling about like a roaring lion, seeking whom it may devour. Monte Larrick caught 20 minutes with evangelist Dr. Voddie Baucham back in March at the Black Conservative Summit. Throughout the episode, the two cover the blessing of good Christian education, the silence of the American church, how to reach the African American community and how to prepare for the 2024 elections. "I think one of the things that's wrong with politics is that it's devolved into identity politics and it's devolved into 'okay, what does this group want and how do we give that to them. . .' it's much more fruitful and effective in the long run and much more honest in the long run to hold to those things that are true. . .and communicating to people on what those things are."