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There were bugs all over her dress! Leveling up Every year in business
In this weeks episode Monica Monique and XYZeee talk about leveling up every year and compare this years busy season to last year. They go over things they have learned, mistakes they made and what worked for them this year. <br/><br/>Monica tells the story about how one client got several ppl to write fake bad reviews on her google store page. Also how to not let it bother you and power through. They also discuss how the new little mermaid film had the same issue and now has rave reviews. They also talk about a horrible situation another prom designer went through this year having some of her gowns stolen after her clients beat her up in her store.<br/><br/>They get into some red flag client warning signs and some designer warning signs. As always they give a positive spin to every situation and look forward to their future as designers and keep growing.<br/><br/>Don't forget to like , share and leave us a review for more!