THEY'RE WEAPONIZING THE WEATHER! - The Latest Disasters Appear Planned!
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:<br /><br /> USE Code WAM to get FREE shipping in the United States! HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:<br /> GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:<br /> BUY GOLD AND SILVER HERE:<br /> Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest weather disasters which all appear to be planned with perfect precision that one just does not see in nature.<br /> From Florida's latest hurricanes which all appear at the last second to be turned and directed at the most populated areas as the category of the storm suddenly explodes upwards to the simultaneous earthquakes in California as hurricane Hillary hit land.<br /> The fires in Maui appear to be directed and clearly scripted in order to redevelop land for smart cities and the hurricanes that passed simultaneously created the "perfect storm" to wind the fires and cause them to spread.<br /> Meanwhile, a whistleblower based in Antarctica who worked with special ops has recently come forward saying that the weather is being manipulated from underground bases there. These bases according to the whistleblower have caused earthquakes in places like Christchurch.<br /> More and more people are waking up to the obviously designed weather catastrophes weaponized against the public to force FEMA into major cities and build the propaganda for the climate change cult.<br /> Be prepared for what comes next... Stay tuned for more from WAM! GET AN EXTENDED FREE TRIAL FOR ICKONIC WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE:<br /> BUY YOUR PRIVATE CLEARPHONE HERE:<br /> LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW!<br /> GET VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS FROM DR. ZELENKO HERE:<br /> GET TIM'S FREE Portfolio Review HERE:<br /><br /> And become a client of Tim's at STOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE:<br /> OUR GOGETFUNDING CAMPAIGN:<br /> OUR PODBEAN CHANNEL:<br /> Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:<br /> FIND US on Rokfin HERE:<br />