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This episode is a quantum portal! 🔮 Battling urgency culture, spiritual maintenance and messages for the collective
This is a JUICY episode! We speak about the cacao ceremony we both attended the day before recording! Stacey shares the beautiful messages that came through for her and for the collective to hear. We reflected on finding meaning and significances in our earthly journey, and talking about the big question “why are we here on earth?”<br/><br/>As well unpacking the euphoria and clarity that follows after our meditation ceremony and how it can lead to different experiences and there is no right or wrong way to doing it.<br/><br/>We also talk: Urgency culture, holding boundaries with clients and people in our lives to lovingly holding ourselves and friends accountable and understanding that you're not responsible for their reactions or integration of your words.<br/><br/><br/>After Skool Youtube (do yourself a favour and watch):<br/>https://youtube.com/@AfterSkool?si=QF93Igfrvtwwfcpz<br/><br/>You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: <br/>Ané - @ane.mgmnt<br/>✦ instagram.com/ane.mgmnt/<br/>🌐 anemgmnt.com<br/><br/>Stacey - @barefootbranding<br/>✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding<br/>🌐 barefootbranding.academy<br/><br/>Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com