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Three Common Partnership Fails + What to do to Prevent Them
The most effective partnerships are long term, but no matter the side you are on- brand or creator- sometimes misunderstandings arise. From contracting to communication to conflicting content ideas, it's time to discuss the many flops we've come across and how to prevent the the partnership from sinking entirely. Timestamps:
[2:41 Contracting - from the creator side.
[7:28] Advice for creators.
[11:40] Not sending contracts fast enough.
[12:57] How can you be more communicative?
[16:41] Reshooting and wording.
[18:13] Getting ghosted by an influencer.
[22:56] Content just not being good enough, and dealing with differing tastes.
[30:39] Takeaways.
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--Find Harley:IG: @theharleyjordan
Website: theharleyjordan.com
Join Creator Collective: https://winno.app/theharleyjordanFind Sonia:
IG: @Sonia.Elyss
Website: www.soniaelyss.com
Join the Lip Service Community: https://winno.app/soniaelyss
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