Thursday Thoughts - Kindness
On today's Monday Motivation, Polly and I are talking all about kindness.<br/><br/>Being kind to others is a win-win, because it not only makes the person receiving the kindness feel good, it also makes us feel good. Plus...kindness has many health benefits, both physical and emotional.<br/><br/>If we prioritise spreading a little kindness every day, we truly are doing our bit to make the world a better place; because kindness is contagious, and when we're kind to someone else, they're more likely to be kind to somebody too.<br/><br/>We hope you'll find something useful in here.<br/><br/>Love,<br/>Polly & Lucy xSupport the show<br/> Book a FREE 30 minute coaching 'taster' session HERE: <br/> Fancy getting your hands on my FREE PDF 'The Top 10 Most Irritating Questions That Single People Get Asked On The Regular...& How To (Devilishly) Respond'? Head over to: <br/> Interested in my 1-1 Coaching? Work with me HERE: Join my private Facebook Group: <br/> Follow me on Instagram: @spinsterhoodreimagined Follow me on Twitter: @LucyMeggeson Follow me on LinkedIn: Lucy Meggeson Email me: And thank you so much for listening!!!