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TORI TORI- Date Night - TWYMF S2 Ep 31
This week we've got high end eats and CBD drinks as Carlos and Sophie bring you along for another Date Night! We're talking TORI TORI, an izakaya from the Michelin star winning team behind DOMU and EDOBOY, but does TORI TORI carry on the tradition or has Chef Sonny finally met his culinary match? (Spoilers: he hasn't). So grab your favorite highball and slide into a cozy booth because we've got a lot to discuss from burning hot chili peppers to life changing gyoza, TORI TORI's menu is bursting at the seams with humble yet delicious culinary creations and we want to share them all with you. This is Date Night: TORI TORI! <br/><br/><br/><br/>Background Music: <br/>City Lights by Ghostrifter bit.ly/ghostrifter-yt<br/>Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0<br/>Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/Want more TWYMF content? You can check us out on our social media accounts for behind-the-scenes videos, pictures from the episodes, cocktail recipes, listener polls, and much more!<br/><br/>Twitter: @Mouthfulpod<br/>TikTok: TalkWithYourMouthful<br/>Instagram: Talk_With_Your_Mouthful