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Transforming Data at Enterprise Scale with Kent Graziano
Welcome to the first Coffee with Coalesce: a series of conversations with experts, thought leaders, and interesting people from the data community recorded live and available on demand at your podcast platform of choice!In this episode, Coalesce.io co-founders Armon Petrossian and Satish Jayanthi sat down with Kent Graziano to talk about the latest big disruption in the data space: automating data transformations. Find out what attracted Kent to Coalesce after he retired from his role as Chief Technical Evangelist at Snowflake, get a demo of the Coalesce product, and learn how its column-aware architecture will transform the data space.Topics include:Kent’s thoughts on GUI v code approaches and how Coalesce solves the shortcomings of eachData governance: How user-defined nodes help data architects implement data standards at scaleWhat is “Column awareness”Video recording: https://coalesce.io/podcast/tr....ansforming-data-at-e https://coalesce.io/Contact us to learn more about our data transformation solution: https://coalesce.io/request-demo/Start your free trial: https://coalesce.io/start-free/