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Trauma and The Human Brain
In this episode of A Woman podcast, Rebekah discusses trauma in more depth. Getting into the neurology and biology of our brains, Rebekah uses this to further explain how trauma affects us. What is actually happening inside us when we experience trauma? How does trauma affect children's brains? How can I help someone who has experienced trauma? Find out now.Follow me:https://linktr.ee/awomanpodcastCheck out my educational blog:https://www.awomanpodcast.comResources referenced in episode:https://www.lee.k12.al.us/cms/lib/AL02210054/Centricity/Domain/3014/Hand%20Model%20of%20the%20Brain%20and%20the%20Crepes%20of%20Wrath%20Booklet%20by%20Dan%20Siegel.pdfhttps://medicine.yale.edu/news/yale-medicine-magazine/article/a-theory-abandoned-but-still-compelling/https://www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/the-triune-brain/https://uktraumacouncil.org/resource/how-latent-vulnerability-plays-out-over-a-childs-lifehttps://uktraumacouncil.link/documents/Latent-Vulnerability-Infographic.pdfhttps://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ADGOPXITDYJ7&keywords=the+body+keeps+the+score&qid=1691038341&sprefix=the+body+%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1