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Truth Restored! November 07-14 2022
**Warning: This episode contains adult themes and adult language listener discretion is advised** **Special Thanks to Marvin S for the Warning message** Is Douglas going to be the hero again? Poor Liam…Thank you so much for listening! Please get in touch we want to know what you guys think. Don’t forget to join our B&B Podclub Group on Facebook for all the extras! We now have Merch check it out here:https://bold-and-beautiful-podcast.myshopify.com/ Email@ amanda@theboldandbeautifulpodcast.com Website@ https://theboldandbeautifulpodcast.com Our socials@ https://twitter.com/B_BPodcast https://www.instagram.com/theb....oldandbeautifulpodca https://www.facebook.com/BoldandBeautifulPodcast/ Don’t forget to check out the Bold Mini Spotlight and the Y&R Mini Spotlight on YouTube @ JLJ Media https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLUIKfpZHqrK