Turner’s Take Podcast | Crop Tour Argues For Lower Yields

0 Views· 08/25/23
Daniels Trading
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Play Turner’s Take Ag Marketing Podcast Episode 366 If you are having trouble listening to the podcast, please click here for Turner’s Take Podcast episodes! New Podcast The Pro Farmer crop tour concluded this week and they are projecting corn yields at 172 bpa and soybeans 49.7.  That puts corn around 1.9 billion bu ending stocks with a 13% stock/usage ratio.  That is an adequately supplied corn market.  The drop in soybean yield puts ending stocks around 175mm bu and a 4% stock/usage. That is tight.  We could see some big rallies in the oilseed markets the fall/winter if S. America has weather issues. If want to hear more about our reaction to the crop tour then please take a listen to this week’s Turner’s Take Podcast! CLICK HERE TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH CRAIG TURNER & STONEX About Turner’s Take Podcast and Newsletter If you are having trouble listening to the podcast, please click here for Turner’s Take Podcast episodes! Craig Turner – Commodity Futures Broker 312-706-7610 craig.turner@stonex.com Turner’s Take Ag Marketing: https://www.turnerstakeag.com Twitter: @Turners_Take Contact Craig Turner

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