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Unearthing Biblical Descriptions of Heaven and its Glory Part 2 (Repost)
Have you ever wondered about the intricate wonders of the human body or pondered over the prophesied millennial reign of Jesus Christ? Prepare to have your curiosities satisfied as we journey together through a discussion filled with intriguing human anatomy facts, and deep dive into the concept of Jesus Christ's coming reign.<br/><br/>This episode is a cocktail of fascinating and lesser-known facts about our own bodies – did you know, for instance, that everyone has a unique tongue print, or that your stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve a razor blade? And just for kicks, we throw in the question - could there be swimming pools in heaven? We then transit into a profound exploration of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ as prophesied in the Bible. Brace yourself as we discuss the thousand years phrase in Revelation 21, Jesus’ prayer for His kingdom to come to earth, Gabriel's prophecy to Mary about the eternal reign of Jesus, and the re-establishment of Israel in 1948.<br/><br/>We press on to paint a picture of the future during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. Imagine a world of ultimate peace, where the wolf lies down with the lamb. Picture a time of healing where the survivors of the Tribulation Period are restored. Get ready to envision life as you know it – sports, coffee, even technology - in a world without sin. As we wrap up, we inspire you with Deuteronomy 29:29, reminding you of the promise of eternity with Christ. Tune in, for we firmly believe that every listener has something to gain from this episode.<br/><br/>Check us out at<br/><br/>graceintheshadowsor.org<br/>drjonathan@graceintheshadowsor.org<br/>(251) 244-4645<br/><br/>*If you are searching for a clinical counselor and you live in Alabama, Virginia, or North Carolina, Dr. Jonathan Behler would be happy to see you as a client! He does all counseling virtually through a secure portal. He will also work with you on payments - don't let finances keep you from getting counseling!<br/><br/>If you live out of the US or not in Alabama, Virginia, or North Carolina, Dr. Jonathan Behler is an ordained minister and trained in pastoral counseling. If you are seeking pastoral counseling, please reach out as well!<br/><br/>Check out our Etsy<br/>store and buy merch: https://shadowsofgrace.etsy.com<br/><br/>https://www.facebook.com/Grace-in-the-Shadows-109541368379527Consider becoming a supporter of our show!Support the show