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Uniswap Founder Hayden Adams on How ‘Hooks’ Make v4 Different
The announcement of the upcoming launch of Uniswap v4 sparked fresh versions of old debates. Is it OK for DeFi’s leading DEX to not be fully open source at launch? What counts as composability and what counts as plagiarism? Is Uniswap’s dominance a threat to decentralization? Founder Hayden Adams joins the show to respond to the critics and explain the novel features of Uniswap v4.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform.Show highlights:
how Uniswap was born and how it has evolved since 2018
how the SushiSwap vampire attack was a win for Uniswap
whether the new version of Uniswap brings it closer to the true ethos of Ethereum
what the problems were with the previous fee model and how the new v4 approaches fee tiers
an explanation of “hooks,” the most important feature of the new code
what Hayden thinks the most common uses of hooks will be
how v4’s time-weighted average market maker (TWAMM) feature works
whether Hayden is worried that hooks will be engineered to do rug pulls
what Hayden thinks about v4’s new “singleton” approach
how EIP-1153 (if implemented) will make Uniswap v4 more efficient
when Hayden estimates that the v4 code will be deployed
why Uniswap decided to go with a four-year business license
Hayden’s response to allegations that Uniswap plagiarized Crocswap for its v4 code
whether there’s a risk that U.S. authorities blacklist certain transactions on v4
whether it is possible to add KYC and AML compliance into v4 pools
why Hayden is sad about the U.S. approach to regulating crypto
why he believes that Uniswap will not become a centralizing force
Thank you to our sponsors!
Hayden Adams, founder of UniswapLinks
Uniswap Releases Draft Code for V4
Uniswap V3 Forks Are Now Legal After BSL Expiry
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