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Unlocking CEO Secrets: Steven Renata on Biohacks and Cultural Uplift.
If you're looking to scale your business through podcasts, get invited on our CEO Wisdom podcast OR drop Charles a message on his Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sdr-as-a-service
In this episode of CEO Wisdom Podcast, Steven Renata, the CEO of Kiwa Digital, is interviewed about his professional journey, leadership style, and personal productivity hacks. Steven discusses his company's focus on creative cultural services and software development for localization by audio post-production studios. He emphasizes the importance of cultural uplift in New Zealand, especially concerning the Maori people. Steven believes in the significance of personal health and self-care in leadership, emphasizing the need for proper nutrition, exercise, and quality sleep. He also touches on the challenges of remote work, the importance of values in tribal leadership, and the benefits of a diverse team. The video serves as an insightful look into the mindset and practices of a CEO who prioritizes both personal well-being and the cultural significance of his work.
If you're looking to scale your business through podcasts, get invited on our CEO Wisdom podcast OR drop Charles a message on his Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sdr-as-a-service