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Venus Star Point in Leo: 13 August 2023. Reconnecting to our heart, spirit, soul and Source.
Venus in Leo: 5 June to 9 October 2023.Venus enters an extended stay in Leo, with a retrograde in the middle suggesting greater connections to our hearts and value will be made. A healing journey for the lioness. Hedonism and extravagance. Luxury. Startling and unexpected realisations and events. Shining like the Sun, or looking at where we allow ourselves to do so. Revisiting our creativity and playfulness. A key decision point for Venus is reached on 2 October, after her heliacal journey to the underworld through the bright portal of the Sun; while burning the candle at both ends at all those parties with the expansive and effervescent Sky God, Jupiter, and experiencing lightning bolts of awareness from the maverick, Uranus, as well as picking up life-changing guidance from the wise old centaur, Chiron.🔥🔥🔥Astrological aspects and dates: 5 June 2023: Venus enters Leo, and opposes Pluto in Aquarius. 8 June: Venus (3 Leo) square Nodes (3 Taurus/Scorpio). 11 June: 1st Venus (5 Leo) square Jupiter (5 Taurus). 19 June: Venus enters retrograde shadow at 12 degrees Leo. 29 June: 1st Venus(19 Leo) trine Chiron (19 Aries). 2 July: 1st Venus (21 Leo) square Uranus (21 Taurus). 9 July: 1st Venus (25 Leo) trine Eris (25 Leo).23 July: Venus goes retrograde at 28 Leo. 27 July: Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus at 28 Leo. 5 August: 2nd Venus (25 Leo) trine Eris (25 Aries). 9 August: 2nd Venus (22 Leo) square Uranus (22 Taurus). 13 August: Venus Star Point: Sun conjunct retrograde Venus (20 Leo). 14 August: 2nd Venus (19 Leo) trine Chiron (19 Aries). 22 August: 2nd Venus (15 Leo) square Jupiter (15 Taurus). 23 August: Mercury in Virgo is also retrograde. 3 September: Venus goes Direct at 12 Leo. 17 September: 3rd Venus (15 Leo) square Jupiter (15 Taurus). 23 September: 3rd Venus (18 Leo) trine Chiron (18 Aries). 29 September: 3rd Venus (22 Leo) square Taurus (22 Taurus). 2 October: Venus (24 Leo) trine North Node (24 Aries). 3 October: 3rd Venus (25 Leo) trine Eris (25 Aries).7 October: Venus exits retrograde shadow at 28 Leo. 9 October: Venus enters Virgo.