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War on I 4 review, College football playoffs race, will the Bucs or Jags have more total wins this year? and more
In episode 310 of Sports Bliss with Rob and Kris, rob and Kristie start the episode reviewing this past weekend in the NFL. First they review the Bucs loss to the Cleveland Browns. They debate why the Bucs didn't use their time outs at the end of regulation that could have lead to a win. then they discuss the Jaguars comeback win over the Baltimore Ravens. Is trevor Lawrence finally turning the corner to become a good NFL quarterback or is the Raven's defense really to blame? Then Rob asks Kristie who will have more wins to end the season, the Bucs or the Jags? Finally they review the Dolphins win over the Texans before they turn their attention to the Jets and new starting quarterback Mike White. Then Rob and Kristie debate if the Packers should sit Rodgers just as they did Favre 15 years ago for Jordan Love?Next, They jump in to college football and dive deep into the college football world and the college football playoff race. They review many of the games around college and discuss new coaching hires and vacancies. They take a deep dive into the FSU UF game and the war on I 4 matchup of UCF and USF.As always Rob and Kristie end the episode with trivia and a would you rather.If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe, rate, and tell your friends or anyone you think would enjoy our podcast. Text or leave voice messages for us at (407)494-6420 and we may read or play them on the next episodeMentioned in this episode:EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal http://nordvpn.com/sportsbliss Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Click the link below to get an special deal.Nord VPNBetter HelpWe are excite to have a special offer for our sponsor of this episode. Our listeners get 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com/SPORTSBLISS.. Better HelpDon't Call It a ComebackFollow Don't Call It a Comeback on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or listen early and ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery app.