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Wellness Check #5: Battling leviathans, healing from within & without, and finding the bars of the cage
Co-hosts Ben & Mike check in with their respective primary healthcare providers with updates on their physical, emotional, spiritual wellness, latest terrain integrations, existential threats, and more. Specifically, they discuss:Brother Mike going up against the Big Brother MachineThe state of their electroculture-fueled gardensThe virtues of naked gardeningFloods, forest fires & no more natural weatherThe intricacies of claiming sovereigntyHow Ben healed a year-long condition using a terrain approach...and more.<br/><br/>Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.<br/><br/>If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.<br/><br/>Learn more at www.terraintheory.net<br/><br/>Music by Chris Merenda