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When Is The Right Time to Start Saving?
The answer to this question may seem obvious. Generally, yes you want to save sooner rather than later. But everyone's situation is different.Amy starts with a story about a prescription SNAFU that led to today's topic. In order to make a decision, you need as much information as possible. What are your specifics with regard to spending and saving? What are your priorities? Do you have a cash reserve?Amy and Jag explore some variables that may factor into your saving plans, including debts, housing situation and more.And yes, the earlier the better. We break down the math of how expensive it can be to wait.If you have questions about anything related to your financial future, reach out to Amy Walls and the team at Thimbleberry Financial at https://thimbleberryfinancial.com/Or give them a call at 503-610-6510