Where to find inspiration as an introvert

0 Views· 11/22/22
The Traveling Introvert

Hello and welcome to the Travelling introvert. So I recentlydid an episode on why inspiration is so important and I got messages asking, soit's important, how do I go about finding inspiration? So here you go. I'mgoing to talk about about ways that might help you find inspiration when youneed it. And the importance, as I said before, of inspiration cannot beunderstated.
Inspiration spurs creativity and it is a driving forcebehind any artistic endeavour. Without inspiration, we would not have thebeautiful things we have that fill our lives with joy and happiness. And whilethere are different ways to find inspiration in life, it can be difficult topinpoint exactly what works for you or for the type of inspiration that youneed, because you might find you need different types of inspiration fordifferent things. And that's okay. Because of this, it's really crucial toexperiment with different avenues until you find something that suits yourneeds and helps you with what you need to do.

Look for inspiration in your everyday life. Keep youroptions open, and experimenting is the best advice that you will probably hear.Inspiration is everywhere, but you need to be willing to take the time to look.So when you're possibly staring at a blank screen and you know that you need towrite 500 words or whatever it might be, one thing you can do is take a break.You may be so focused on your work that you don't realise that you're exhaustedor hungry or hungry or just need a bio break.

Take some time away from the computer or your workenvironment. Go for a walk, read something completely unrelated and then comeback. Another thing you can do is change your environment. Getting into a newenvironment will help you find new ideas and perspectives on your work. It canalso help you get away from distractions like social media or other tasks thatcan take time and will keep you distracted.

I know that some people very much have an area for creativework and an area for non creative work and an area for admin work and an areafor finance work. And they've kind of like trained or tricked their brain intorealising, oh, I'm in the creative space now, so I will be creative. It works.Your brain loves that kind of a thing. Another thing you can do is do adifferent task.

Do something completely different from what you're currentlytrying to accomplish. This, again, will help your brain sort of take a rest andin the background it's going to be working on stuff. And this can sometimeshelp your brain kind of get that downtime, that ram time to figure outsomething else. Find a new perspective by talking to somebody. Find someone totalk to and ask them and talk through what your thoughts are and they'll beable to give feedback and or find someone who inspires you and study theirprocess, then think about how they found their inspiration and turned it intosomething extraordinary.

You could also take a risk. The truth is, risks areessential. Creativity often comes from pushing boundaries and exploringpossibilities that can lead to new thinking and ideas. This could also meanconfronting fears and insecurities and digging deeper into personal demons andbeing open to the world around them. Taking a risk, or as some people like tosay, kind of getting out of your comfort zone, can come with its own rewards.

Depending on how it's done. You can also listen to music.Music can be a fantastic source of inspiration and also can help change yourmood. It's a wonderful way to learn how to think creative

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