Where to Focus Your Website to Prepare for Search Engine Changes in 2024
Following on from episode 171 where Blair explained the resources he uses to keep an eye on Google search changes, todays episode goes into what actual search changes could be on the cards for 2024.Looking for the best marketplace to buy a website, then here it is: https://flippa.com?buy_sell=emilyandblair&utm_campaign=emilyandblair Do you need help in your business? Go to our One-On-One Coaching at: https://emilyandblair.com/need....-help-lets-talk-one- you looking to buy a website? Let us provide you with a Due Diligence report to give you peace of mind with your purchase! Book a report here: https://emilyandblair.com/buying-a-website-report/<br/> <br/> See our resource website at: https://www.emilyandblair.com <br/><br/>