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Whisper in the Wings Episode 222
We were so excited to welcome back writer/director Lenny Schwartz onto Whisper in the Wings from Stage Whisper. Along with actor, Gorond Dell, the two discussed their new work, Pussy Hanukkah Comes to Harlem; the hilarious idea behind it, the controversial yet timely message with it, and of course another fantastic memory for the books. Make sure you tune in for another great conversation with these great theatre artists and check out their show!Daydream Theater Company and Rhode Island Stage Ensemble PresentPussy Hanukkah Comes to HarlemSeptember 14th-16th and 21st-23rd at 8pm@ Beacon Charter High School for the Arts (320 Main Street, Woonsocket, RI)Tickets and more information can be found at ristage.orgAnd be sure to follow our guests to stay up to date on all their upcoming projects and productions:FB: Leonard Xavier Roberts SchwartzIG: @lnnyschwartz