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Whisper in the Wings Episode 225
On this new Whisper in the Wins from Stage Whisper, we welcomed on Dillon Bentalage (lead actor/producer/editor) and Brian Reilly (creator/producer/editor), to discuss their new work, Play It By Ear. We talked about this fascinating new work, how they came up with it, as well as gained some fascinating insight into the world of stage and screen. So be sure you tune into our show, and then click on over to their youtube channel to check out their new show!Play It By EarAvailable now on YouTube@ Karen Twins Productions (https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC7LAdIAt4dDz1uWKr And be sure to follow our guests to stay up to date on all their upcoming projects and productions:www.karentwins.cominfo@karentwins.comYT: Karen Twins Productions