Why Ambiguity Is The Enemy To Writing Progress

0 Views· 11/03/22
The Confident Writer
The Confident Writer
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We've all been there: we sign up for something and we do it daily and yet...no progress. We don't feel like we've moved the needle at all. Or, you set out to do a big important task - one you really want to do - and yet when free time rolls around, you're stuck in analysis paralysis or overwhelm and you don't do any work on that big thing. <br/><br/>What if I told you there's a solution for that? A quick reframe that'll get your moving AND feeling like you're making some big progress. In today's video, I go over:<br/><br/>Why ambiguity is the enemy of writing progress<br/>How you can combat it<br/>And why getting concrete with your goals is exactly what you need to start gaining some big wins. <br/><br/>If you're looking for writing momentum, here it is!<br/><br/>Enroll in The Confident Writer Live <br/>https://bethanyhensel.com/the-confident-writer-live-course/<br/><br/>Join the Write Club at https://join.slack.com/t/writecluborg/shared_invite/zt-1i9itke3a-MQyIa1vwBgA08XVAfDO5aw<br/><br/>Follow me on <br/>Twitter @bethanyhensel13<br/>Instagram @bethanyhensel13<br/><br/>And don't forget to leave a review and screenshot and send it to me for your free gift. <br/><br/>

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