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Why Australia Is Dominating The Heavy Music Scene? Talking with Weightless, The Next Breakout Band
In the heavy music scene, fans thing of Australia as a country producing the best quality heavy music out there. Think The Amity Affliction, Make Them Suffer, Polaris, Alpha Wolf, and more.But why does a country that is so isolated geographically from the rest of the world consistently put out some of the best heavy music in the world on a consistent basis. One of the next great Australian heavy bands tells us why.
Riley and Brenton from the Australian metalcore band Weightless joins the podcast today for a great Australian heavy music episode to discuss.
The vote of confidence the band received from Triple J Unearthed (the Australian version of Sirius XM Octane for Americans) and how its helping the band gain mainstream appeal in Australia.What the reason is behind the massive growth of Australian heavy music around the world, despite the geographic isolation.How we can bring more and more heavy music to Australia on a consistent basis.<br/>
Heavy music fans will love this one and so many other episodes we have available for you. So hit that subscribe button to not miss out on any more.
Find Weightless Online:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weightlessauInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/weightlessau/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@weightlessau4688Website: https://linktr.ee/weightlessauSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/3YXprc4yUtO3EEmbbO Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/weightless/1512405961
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Chord Progression Podcast (Spotify):https://open.spotify.com/show/53XWPGrIUvgavKF5Fm6SLk
Chord Progression Podcast (Apple Podcast):https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chord-progression-podcast-the-gateway-to-new-rock-and-metal-music/id1454876657
Chord Progression Podcast (Amazon): https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b8dad803-444c-4a73-8aa5-67b4fc43f4ba
Chord Progression Podcast (iHeart Radio):https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-chord-progression-70632531/
Podcast Webpage:https://mysongoftheday.com/my-song-of-the-day-rock-2000-today/chord-progression-podcast/
Welcome: (0:00)Why Weightless is Considered a Top Up & Coming Band in Australia: (0:41)Staying Humble as Weightless Keeps Growing: (10:19)The Story of Weightless' First Show Ever, After the Triple J Endorsement: (14:16)Attending Shows Now with a Fan Mindset & Student of Music Mindset: (19:46)Why Heavy Music Fans Tend to Be Happier: (25:21)Why Australia is Dominating The Heavy Music Scene: (29:23)The Gang Solves the Australian Music Festival Crisis: (38:20)What's Weightless Up To The Rest of 2023?: (50:24)Kevin's Final Thought; We All Need to Copy the Australian Metal Scene Mentality: (55:35)