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Why Do Doctors Need To Blog
In this episode, Barbara discusses: Why do doctors need to blog How can blogging establish professional authority and attract patients Who can help with creating effective blog content and titles Key Takeaways: “Respect your readers’ time by writing headlines that promise content you can substantiate.” – Dr. Barbara Hales. Connect with Barbara Hales: Twitter: @DrBarbaraHales Facebook: facebook.com/theMedicalStrategist Business website: www.TheMedicalStrategist.com Show website: www.MarketingTipsForDoctors.com Email: Barbara@TheMedicalStrategist.com Books: Content Copy Made Easy 14 Tactics to Triple Sales Power to the Patient: The Medical Strategist YouTube: TheMedicalStrategist LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/barbarahales TRANSCRIPTION Blogging for Doctors Dr. Barbara Hales: Welcome to another episode of Marketing Tips for Doctors. I’m your host, Dr. Barbara House. Today, we are going to talk about why doctors need to blog. Dr. Barbara Hales: You’ve designed and equipped your medical office, taking location into consideration check. You’ve trained your staff to be friendly, helpful and efficient. And you have established routines for insurance and local business referrals. Check. You’re confident that this medical practice is just what your patients would want and need. Then you’ve opened your office to crickets. No one is walking through the door. The problem is that you may be invisible. Dr. Barbara Hales: So how does your medical practice get seen? How do prospective patients find out about blogging? That’s the answer. Not only does blogging add fresh content to your website, but it also directs search engine traffic to you, promotes your services, and helps you build trust with patients. Dr. Barbara Hales: Blogging attracts prospective patients and enables them to engage with you. Search engines want new and fresh content on your website regularly. So do your patients. If they see a site with no fresh material, it’s reasonable to think that the doctor retired, moved, or died. Certainly, the doctor wouldn’t be up to date. Dr. Barbara Hales: I heard and then corroborated this in my reading that attaching a blog to your site and posting on it consistently was viewed as fresh content. So soon after launching my website, I launched my blog as well. This rewarded me with engaging viewers by asking questions, commenting, and giving likes and effort rewarded. Dr. Barbara Hales: Many doctors ask after starting a practice whether blogging is still effective or is it too old school. The answer is a resounding yes, and here are the reasons why. Dr. Barbara Hales: Firstly, it e