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Why periodization keeps gains going and stops loses from occcuring.
Second part of the conversation, please make sure to listened to the first part of this conversation.If we want to improve our health it means needing to incorporate appropriate diet and exercise in our daily routines is important to understand how goal orientation and periodization of exercise and diet will allow us to have consistent improvements and maintenance of our health. This second half of the conversation looks at how periodization can allow for organization of exercise and diet allows for improvements and reduces the chance that improvements stop or lose gains that have been made.References identified in discussion:DOI: 10.5604/20831862.1212974DOI: 10.1007/s11332-018-0450-5Previous Podcasts/YouTube:Muscle Soreness and GrowthDiet and Health-Playlist from YouTubeMuscle Growth and AdaptationsMuscle Fatigue