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Why the Abundance Mindset Fails

0 Views· 06/16/23
The Heart of Soul
The Heart of Soul
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This episode completes our money conversation from last time. We address why spiritual people tend to have money problems, what coming from an emotional lack looks and feels like when relating with money, the unholy marriage of money and compensatory will, money vs. meaning seeking, and of course, much more.Tomorrow on June 17, 2023 in the Clubhouse App, our friend Eric Grace will host a gathering of EBE ensoulmentors to talk about Edenity and answer questions for participants. That will be at 10:30am Pacific Time on Clubhouse in The Wholly Human Club. Stace, Brie, Eric, myself and others will be there. When we get together, very interesting things tend to happen so I hope you can make it. Here’s the invite.

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