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WNBA Best Bets | Fri Jun 9
Action Network WNBA betting expert Sean Koerner joins host Maria Marino to give out their best bets for the Friday slate. With five matchups; Liberty vs. Dream, Mercury vs. Wings, Fever vs. Lynx, Sky vs. Sparks, and Mystics vs. Storm, Sean explains where every spread and total should be so you can make an informed bet no matter what time you see lines or how much they move before tip-off. Follow Sean and Maria, as well as other experts, on the free, award-winning Action Network app. Plus, you can track your own picks. Subscribe, rate and review for more WNBA and NBA betting content.3 - LIBERTY VS DREAM7 - MERCURY VS WINGS10 - FEVER VS LYNX16 - SKY VS SPARKS19 - MYSTICS VS STORM Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices