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WOT 119: Exploring Wisconsin and Parallels Between Song Writing and Trout Fishing with Adam Greuel
In this episode we Wadeoutthere with Adam Greuel from Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Adam grew up road tripping to Wyoming for family vacations, where he was introduced to rivers and fishing, which eventually led to picking up a fly rod. He also picked up a guitar and a pen, following his passion for music and songwriting in the band, Horseshoes and Handgrenades. <br/><br/>Adam also guides his home state for trout when he’s not on the road making music. <br/><br/>We discuss the various regions and angling opportunities in Wisconsin, the beauty of exploration and discovery, and how that process fuels his fly fishing and song writing.<br/><br/>You can learn about Adam and follow his fly fishing and musical adventures on Instagram at: <br/>@adamgreuel OR @horseshoesandhandgrenades<br/><br/>To find Adam's band the Horseshoes and Handgrenades, listen to their music or grab tickets for a concert or pick up their latest album visit the bands website here:<br/>Horseshoes and Handgrenades<br/><br/>Also, check out Adams other musical endeavors in the bands The High Hawks, Rucksack Revolution.<br/><br/>To schedule a guided trip with Adam to explore his home state of Wisconsin for trout visit:<br/>Fall Line Outfitters<br/><br/>For more fly fishing stories, lessons learned, and artwork check out my blog and online gallery at:<br/>https://wadeoutthere.com/<br/><br/>Visit KarmikOutdoors.com and use promo code WOT25 for 25% off and free shipping on any order.
Listen to Karmik's founder on the Wadeoutthere Podcast:
Ep. 34 South Fork of the Boise River with Robert Gillingham
Karmik Outdoors. Lost. Found. Connect.