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WOT 159: Teaching, Learning, and the Richness of Trout Streams with Tom Rosenbauer
In this episode we WadeOutThere with Tom Rosenbauer, from Manchester Vermont. Tom has been fly fishing and tying for nearly all his life. After college he got a job as a retail clerk at Orvis when it was still a small but growing business in Vermont. Slowly, but surely, Tom’s emphasis on teaching and education helped develop him into a leader and educator at both Orvis and within the fly fishing community. <br/><br/>Tom is the author of over twenty fly fishing books, has created too many educational articles and videos to count, and is the host of the Orvis Fly Fishing Podcast, with over 12 million downloads. His efforts have helped untold numbers of anglers on the water, myself included. Besides the great personal gratitude I have for the resources Tom has put out into the world, perhaps what is most impressive to me is his persistent pursuit of learning and effortless humility. <br/><br/>We discuss what excites Tom about fly fishing these days, his thoughts on the creative process of writing, and exploring the richness of different trout streams. Tom also shares his ideas on spot burning, catch and release, conservation, and overcrowding.<br/><br/>To learn more about Tom and his fly fishing journey visit:<br/>Fish On - The Tom Rosenbauer Story<br/><br/>For more fly fishing stories, lessons learned, and artwork check out my blog and online gallery at Wadeoutthere.com<br/><br/>