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WS1472: Running a Business Full-time While Passively Investing | Andrew Rosenberg
The ultimate goal of investing is to make it passive and for it to stay passive. Today’s guest, Andrew Rosenberg, shares his journey of passively investing in the stock market for almost 40 years and how he was able to grow his investments into 3400 units across the office, farmland, and ATM syndication investments. And how he was able to make it happen while running his business full-time!<br/><br/>And starting young is one of his keys to growing his investments big. In today’s episode, he also shares how his 13-year-old self bought his first stock, his valuable background in the stock market, entered real estate as an investor and got his single-family deals, then moved into wanting to get passive. Listen and discover how he got into syndication types of deals over different segments while still prioritizing his business!<br/><br/>