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You're Steele the One for Me
When Laura tells Remington to stop intruding on her detective work, he asks her to teach him the ropes. She agrees to let him observe her investigate a “routine” auto accident, which begins to look more and more like an oriental underworld murder.<br/><br/>Discussion of the Remington Steele episode 'You're Steele the One for Me'. Hosted by Eric Alton-Glenn Hilliard and Sara McNeil.<br/><br/>Send your comments to SteeleWatching@Yahoo.com<br/><br/>WebsitesOfficial Steele Watching PodCast websiteSteele Watching PodCast on TwitterSteele Watching PodCast on FacebookSteele Watching PodCast on InstagramSteele Watchers Group on FacebookHelp support this showPurchase movies/television shows/books mentioned in this episode from Amazon.The Yakuza (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)The Third Man (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Rashomon (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Charade (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Leverage (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Make a donation.Make a donation via "Buy Me A Coffee" Make a donation via PayPalSupport the show