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You Miss It, But You Didn't Miss It
The very short California summer is coming to an end as kids are about to head back to school. Evan has a "kid's say the darndest things" moment in a bathroom stall at Universal Studios while Kevin cleans out his car for nothing. Also, Evan doesn't carry cash, so take that, robbers. The Dumb Dad podcast is also on Youtube. Subscribe here! For more Dumb Dad Pod, follow us on social – https://bit.ly/3t6tE9M We’ve got DUMB DAD MERCH! And we’re on CAMEO! We’d love to send a message to a dad (or anybody) in your life who needs a Dumb Dad pick-me-up! CHEAT CODES – Check out Breckenridge Distillery especially their High Proof Bourbon Whiskey, named World's Best Blended Whiskey in 2023. BETONLINE – Use our Promo Code: BLEAV to receive your 50% Welcome Bonus on your first deposit. Thanks to Chris Verdú for our show music! Check out Verdú on SoundCloud!