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You NEED To Know About DJ Henry’s Case
In 2010 while out one night with some friends, 20-year-old Black college student DJ Henry was shot and killed by a white police officer. In a case of racially motivated police brutality, the officer jumped up onto Henry’s car and shot him multiple times through the windshield.
REOPEN DJ’S Case! https://www.change.org/p/new-york-gov...
DEMAND JUSTICE FOR DJ: http://justicefordjhenry.website2.me/...
Best resource for guidance on where to donate and what petitions to sign: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co
Learn more about Campaign Zero here: https://www.joincampaignzero.org/
Learn more abut the DJ Henry Dream Fund and donate here! https://djdreamfund.org/
Donate to NCMEC through my campaign!
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Nutrafol - promo code: KENDALLRAE
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The Sesh & Mile Higher
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Mile Higher Zoo
General case suggestion form: https://bit.ly/32kwPly
Form for people directly related/ close to the victim: https://bit.ly/3KqMZLj
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/an4stY9BCN
For Business Inquiries - kendall@INFAgency.com