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0058 - We're Back for Alabama vs Texas, Ole Miss vs Tulane, SEC Football and College Football Picks ATS
"It's been a long time.. you're just as lovely.."<br/><br/>Michael and Pettey are back on the mic after an extended hiatus and delighted to bring you the HOTTEST TAKES in college football. We take on this week's slate with premier SEC game analysis and other big games across the college football landscape.<br/><br/>We cover these games and more, including our weekly Pick 3 against the spread. Don't miss these hot takes!<br/>Texas @ Alabama<br/>Ole Miss @ Tulane<br/>Texas A&M @ Miami<br/>Nebraska @ Coach Prime (formerly known as Colorado)<br/>Arizona @ Mississippi State<br/>Auburn @ Cal<br/><br/>Finally, Rest In Peace to our favorite Pirate, Coach<br/><br/>Thanks for listening! Like, subscribe and follow our show! Tell ya friends!<br/><br/><br/>Support the show