133 Complete In Christ Part 2
Today is the last episode of the series “33 Things that Happened Instantaneously at the Moment of Salvation”! Pastor Jeff Cranston and Jen Denton continue their conversation on being complete in Christ. Tune in as they discuss Dawn Klinge’s blog on being complete in Christ, which includes receiving forgiveness and being made in the image of God. All the fullness of God lives permanently in Christ and we don't need anything extra from Him because we are fully complete in Him. <br/>[00:01 - 02:59] Opening SegmentListener feedback What to expect on the next episode of Kitchen Table Theology<br/>[03:00 - 13:28] Being Complete in ChristThis is found in Paul's letter to the ColossiansIt’s wrong to believe that we alone are completeWe cannot escape God’s loveWe are nothing apart from Christ, but we are complete in HimOur fullness as believers come from ChristfulnessWe don’t receive Christ in an installment plan“In Him” means to be in union with JesusGod’s estimation of you is equivalent to His estimation of Christ<br/>[13:29 - 15:31] Closing SegmentFinal words<br/>• Every child of God experiences salvation at the moment of faith in Jesus Christ.• things take place at that moment, including being forgiven and saved from sin.• This podcast is designed to help you understand and apply Biblical truths to your life.<br/>Check out Dawn Klinge’s Blog, “4 Powerful Ways Christ Makes Us Complete In Him”<br/><br/>Join the Conversation<br/>We love your feedback! If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a review. If you have any questions or comments on today's episode, email me at pastorjeff@lowcountrycc.org.<br/>Visit my website https://www.jeffcranston.com and subscribe to my newsletter. Join me on Sunday mornings at LowCountry Community Church. <br/>Check in with us on Facebook or Instagram @pastorjeffcranston<br/>Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!