182: Vision Your Way Through

0 Views· 06/27/23
Purpose Through Pain
Purpose Through Pain
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In Drama

On This Episode:Learn how to get out of the “funk” created by troubles life brings.Discover how you can create SMART goals.<br/>Key Takeaways:Think about the results you want to see.Create SMART goalsWrite your goals down.Create an action planCreate a timeline.Take action.Re-assess.<br/>Tweetable Quote:Without vision, people perish.Our eyesight is distorted. Vision comes from the heart.We have the ability to create the atmosphere within which we want to live.<br/>
Connect with joseph James at:Website: https://thealphaleadership.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alphaleadershipInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/meetjosephjames/?hl=en

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