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(24) Overcoming (Childhood?) Trauma
The trauma convo is trending (which secretly thrills me)! Let's connect the dots between divorce, trauma, and childhood.<br/><br/>We are *NOT* talking about trauma to blame villains! We are talking about it so we can tap into *MORE* personal empowerment. Boom.<br/><br/>We are going to talk about: (just a few key things...)<br/><br/>What is trauma/childhood trauma?<br/>What are the stages of trauma?<br/>Can trauma ever be overcome?<br/>Can you heal yourself from trauma?<br/>How do I know if I am healing from trauma?<br/>How does a person with trauma behave?<br/>How do you break a (childhood) trauma cycle?<br/>Can I get over trauma without therapy?<br/>Why is it so hard to let go of trauma?<br/>What are the symptoms of childhood trauma in adults?<br/>Does trauma cause divorce?<br/><br/><br/>Free 21-Day Guided Journaling Program<br/><br/>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn<br/>Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/<br/>On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com