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#247 Finding Light in the Darkness: Overcoming Addiction and Embracing Spirituality with Chrystal L
We had the pleasure of meeting our next guest, Krystal, in Columbia, Missouri, at the charming Selfie Love Como shop located on the cute downtown Main Street. The shop features various themed booths where visitors can take fun selfies. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to record our conversation in the back corner under the 411 booth, and we extend a big shout-out to the team for accommodating us.Krystal is a true St. Louis girl. She grew up with her mom, dad, sister, and brother, and it was clear that she had a special bond with her father. Growing up near the Mississippi River, she enjoyed a childhood filled with adventure and nostalgia. Despite her parents' divorce, they made sure to prioritize family time, and both her mom and dad were present during those important moments. We couldn't help but chuckle as Krystal reminisced about her cool, pre-smartphone, old-school kid lifestyle.During her childhood, Krystal's mom, who was battling addiction, made the courageous decision to join a recovery program. This path eventually led them to Columbia, Missouri, from St. Louis. After spending some time with her father, Krystal joined her mother in Columbia. With her vibrant energy, it felt like she had experienced a million jobs in her young life. Eventually, she found herself working as an apprentice at a salon, and through a series of serendipitous events, she was offered the opportunity to take over and own the salon.This unexpected turn opened up a whole new world for Krystal. She embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship, opening a series of businesses and exploring avenues she had never imagined. Alongside her professional growth, Krystal embarked on a spiritual journey, delving into self-understanding and introspection. Her insights and intellect about life, manifestation, and spirituality were truly inspiring. As a testament to her personal growth, she even designed her own tattoo inspired by the phrase "living in Christ by consciousness."Krystal's beautiful soul radiates light, and her positive interaction with The Jar was truly uplifting. We are excited to share this episode with you, as it showcases her incredible journey and the wisdom she has gained along the way. Join us as we delve into Krystal's story, embracing her positivity, and taking away valuable life lessons from her experiences.For more of The Jar, visit:Website: https://www.thejar.live/Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTqB1dhDvl0Oh505ysdxTgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcast.thejarInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejar_podcast/Disclaimer: The views stated in this episode are our guest's opinions and do not represent the views, beliefs or opinions of The Jar Podcast. Our goal is to provide a platform for everyone no matter what they believe, and we would like to continue to do that while making it clear our guests are not a representation of The Jar Podcast.