#25: Stand Still and see the Salvation of the Lord!

1 Views· 09/16/23
Jesus Alone is God
Jesus Alone is God
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Email: hpaulsilas@hotmail.com https://apostolicinternational.com/ Statement of beliefs: https://apostolicinternational.com/statement-of-beliefs The sermon: https://apostolicinternational.com/sermons/STAND_STILL_AND_SEE_THE_SALVATION_OF_THE_LORD.pdf The sermon focuses on the biblical story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, emphasizing the idea of separation from the world and salvation. It begins by highlighting how challenging it can be for those who have been deeply entrenched in worldly ways to separate themselves for the Lord. The number 430 is mentioned, signifying a time of permanent and irrevocable separation, drawing parallels with the Israelites' 430 years in slavery in Egypt and the division of the earth in the days of Peleg.The sermon underscores the importance of faith in God's promise of separation and salvation, even when faced with fear and uncertainty. The Red Sea symbolizes a dramatic and frightening moment when individuals are squeezed between their past sinful lives and the path to salvation. However, the message assures that God stands as a barrier between the past and the glorious future, shielding believers from their tormenting past.The sermon concludes with an encouragement to stand still and witness the salvation of the Lord. It emphasizes that separation from the world can be painful and turbulent but is essential for understanding the beauty of holiness. Divine intervention is highlighted as the means to break free from the bondage of sin and move towards the Promised Land, with the hope that the path back to a sinful past will be permanently closed. Ultimately, the message encourages believers to rise again, even after falling into sin, and trust in the salvation of the Lord.

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